Saturday, 20 November 2010

Firing MDS Business Rules on dependent entities

I posted a question on the MSSQL MDS forum about

I have come across a few issues around business rules in MDS that look like they could be bugs but haven't been able to find anyone else online with similar problems...
I have a Customer Entity which is the upper level of my Customer hierarchy. At the lower level I have a Customer Store Location Entity which has domain based attributes of the Customer and Store Location. I've configured a business rule to set the Customer Store Location Name to be a concatenated string of the 'Customer Name' + ' - ' + 'Store Location' attributes which is set to trigger when the Customer Name attribute changes.

When editing the Customer entity at the top level, the Customer Store location Entity shows this change but even when running the business rules at both levels, the Customer Store Location Name does not update.

My two questions are:
1. Why is the change to Customer not picked up by the Customer Store Location entity's business rule even though I can see the attribute has changed?
2. Is there any way of triggering business rules to run for multiple entities if a change is made?

Suzanne Selhorn posted the following response which has done the trick

I think I have this figured out-- you need two rules.
Step 1: Set Customer Name attribute to be in a change tracking group (1).
Step 2: For CustomerStoreLocation entity, the first rule is: If has changed in group 1, then Customer = dba.Customer.Name.
Step 3: For CustomerStoreLocation entity, the second rule is: concatenate CustomerStoreLocation Name by using your two values. This doesn't need a "has changed" aspect to it, because you always want it to be true. So this rule is an action only, no condition.
Let me know if you need more details. If you run these two rules in order you should be good I think.